My return to Haida Gwaii was so complex and deeply personal that any public writing about it will, by choice, only...
People Articles
You, too, can walk with us.
We're just a bunch of folks, of various ages and abilities and speeds, out for a nice walk together. We show up once a...
Walking Under Blue Skies
How dreamy to stroll under clear blue skies on a warm September afternoon, with neighbors from near and far. We had...
We Walked. We Talked.
People came in ones, twos and threes and gathered on the grassy knoll in the center of Burien's Town Square. Mothers...
Octopus Lesson
Such dear, dear people. I feel so welcomed by Agnese, Ninni, their son Erik and Ninni's sister Bea. They greeted me so...
Mary and the Madonna
It was just starting to spit a little rain as I got off the subway at "Fermata Moscova" and walked toward the...
South Italy Tour
After my first week in Milan, I toured the south of Italy for two weeks, and then have spent the subsequent week...
Dear People of Alberobello
Finding out about Alberobello, I itched to stay in a trullo for a couple of nights! Through an internet search, I...
Destination: Lecce
Almost, but not quite at the tippy-tip of the "heel of the boot" of Italy, the city of Lecce (roughly pronounced...
“Palermitani” – Citizens of Palermo
Traveling here in Sicily, I've most enjoyed Palermo because of the people I've met, "just plain folks" going about...
How to Wrap 6 Eggs
I had seen this woman selling fresh eggs at the Saturday Market last year, too, but neglected to shoot a video because...
Milano Coat
While waiting to meet with a client, I stopped in a book store to browse and get a coffee. This man was in line in...
Buy More Stuff
"Black Friday". THE day upon which retailers place their hopes and base their projections for their year's sales and...
Bubblegum & Basketweave in Seattle
As a designer and photographer, one of the most stimulating aspects of being in Italy was its visual lushness. Every...
Farmers Market Lasagna
Seattle's chilly summertime is winding down with scattered sunshine following cloudy mornings. Warm evenings are rare,...
Italia in America
I'm grateful for the little reminders of Italia that I encounter here in Seattle, going about my day. Names for...
Crab at the Water’s Edge
"We're having a crab feed on the beach tomorrow night. Do you want to come?" There's only one answer for that...
Rhubarb Homecoming
Sunday Morning. August 1. (I arrived home yesterday in late afternoon.) Home in the summer chill of Seattle with a 60...
New Faces, More New Friends
How often do any of us put ourselves in the position to meet so many people in so many ways in so short a time? How...
Cogne: Alpine Italy
Journal Entry: 24 Luglio The bus just left Aosta, heading back to Milano. I have been visiting my friends, Ewa and...