A singular minute in our lives. We'll have to wait another hundred years to have such a congruence of numbers in time...
Photo of the Day Articles
Every Step
What a way to begin and end a journey… Embedded in the platform at the Cadorna station, leading in and out of Milano,...
As a cyclist, I must be ALWAYS vigilant! This particular stop sign on the way to the bikes-only path, both amuses and...
Venice for the Day
A couple of days ago I went to Venice for the day just because I could. In a few days it'll no longer be so simple to...
No More Pickles!
It's hot and I've had too much salt. My fingers and toes are like little sausages. My skin is tight. I don't think I...
Brrrr, It’s Cold!
It's mid-April and COLD! Every morning at about 9:00 I look out to the thermometer on my back porch and it says 40...
Beach Walk
Hour and a half. A slow 4 miles. Beach. Hill trail. Neighborhoods. Wind, rain, hail, sunshine. Singing birds and...
A Merchandising Puzzle
While you're shopping for Chocolate Pudding Mix, don't forget the garlic! Really? I'm still scratching my head...
Milan Thoughts in the Rain
On a rainy day in Seattle - there have been so many lately - the car in front of me was branded "Milan" and my...
Catkins Poppin’
In spite of the snow and hail that keep passing through… and the continued temperatures in the 30s, signs of...
Milano Coat
While waiting to meet with a client, I stopped in a book store to browse and get a coffee. This man was in line in...
Shadow Tree
The most beautiful thing I saw today. The scene: a building along the west of a busy mall parkway in south Seattle,...
Buy More Stuff
"Black Friday". THE day upon which retailers place their hopes and base their projections for their year's sales and...
Italia in America
I'm grateful for the little reminders of Italia that I encounter here in Seattle, going about my day. Names for...
Rhubarb Homecoming
Sunday Morning. August 1. (I arrived home yesterday in late afternoon.) Home in the summer chill of Seattle with a 60...
Cogne: Alpine Italy
Journal Entry: 24 Luglio The bus just left Aosta, heading back to Milano. I have been visiting my friends, Ewa and...
Into Mountainous Valle d’Aosta
On Thursday, the bus pulled away from a 95 degree day in Milano and headed into increasingly blustery skies in the...
Goodbye Mary
It would have been impossible to leave Milano without saying "goodbye" to Mary. Our first meeting is a story in...
My Raw Meat Salad
I'm going to miss my Insalata di Bresaola, my salad of dried, cured (raw) beef. Boo hoo. They can't bring bresaola...
Hot Like a Sauna
It's been toasty-o here in Milano lately, with temperatures in the high 80s to high 90s, and humid. When I walk out of...