My perception of the enormity, diversity, energy and intensity of New York had felt daunting all these years, so I had never gone. “Oh, I can’t just go to New York for a couple of days. How can I even begin to make a dent in seeing it?! Where do I start? What are the “musts”? And all my life I had heard about the “danger” of the city and its subways so there was trepidation built up that prevented me from going. Somehow it was easier for me to move to a foreign country and speak a foreign language, than it was for me to make a trip to New York City.
I’ve flown Seattle-to-New York-to-Milan several times, never having ventured out of the JFK airport. This time I decided to stop in New York for 3 days and “dip my big toe in the water” of the city. Kind friends, Alta and Jonah, offered to let me stay in their cozy home with them in Long Island City, Queens. (Alta and I met 2 years ago in Milan through Legacy of Letters.) And dear Richard, another friend, offered to lead me on a whirlwind walking tour of the city; working for the Transit Authority, he’s in a prime position to know some obscure ins and outs of NYC. (He and I met in Sicily 3 years ago.)
It took hours to juggle and finally book 2 separate round trip tickets, and make allowances for all of the added complexity that it would heap on my travel: 1 SEA-NYC-SEA, 1 NYC-MXP-NYC. It really threw a wrench in customs, immigration, baggage handling, security, transfers, etc., but I wanted to see something of New York once-and-for-all! So I gave myself lots of “padding” in the schedule, tried to anticipate the unknowns, and booked it.
The first night, Friday May 9, Alta, Jonah and I went to a neighborhood Mexican restaurant for a bite to eat, then walked to the waterfront Gantry Plaza State Park to look across the east river to the city’s nighttime skyline. Welcome to New York! Shimmering in the fog.
The next day, Saturday May 10, Alta had meetings in town, so we both hopped on the subway and then split up. I was amused as I realized that it was Milan and Paris that prepared me for New York. “Hey! I can do this. It’s familiar to me now!” I wandered, explored, walked, looked. First, I mistakenly went south to the financial district in lower Manhattan (Oops. but that’s how discoveries are made.) I then headed back up north to Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the “Charles James: Beyond Fashion” Show. It was so inspiring! I swooned… and ordered the 10 pound book, which awaits me at home.
From MoMA, I just followed my nose south down 5th Avenue, Madison Avenue, Park Avenue… the places I had always heard of. I walked the south edge of the Jackie O Reservoir in Central Park. Merely poked my head in and looked up into the Guggenheim. Found quirky things at streetside. Dodged occasional squalls by ducking into doorways. And came across a window display at Chanel that enchants me still.
I allowed myself to NOT “see all of New York”, which freed me to accept the days as they unfolded without pressure. This was a trip to break the ice.
By the end of the day, and with the sky growing gray, feet tired, ready to sit, ready to write, I was “feelin’ groovy” at the west end of the 59th Street Bridge and found a relaxed place to sit with an open window wall to the street and the storm. I had a bite to eat, a sip to drink and plenty of pages in my journal.
Italian sausage with kraut
Italian sausage with kraut and a little mustard on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art stairway crowd before the squall passed through.
59th Street Bridge subway stop
The subway platforms really have a lot of beauty for those willing to see it.
Grand Central Station
I just had to come up out of the subway and step into Grand Central to shoot a couple pictures, even though it meant paying another fare to get right back into the subway.
For the next day, Sunday, I had “signed up” for a brisk, whirlwind walking tour with Richard. He, his father and I had met at a B&B in Palermo, Sicily 3 years ago and had enjoyed exploring Palermo and Monreale together. I was finally taking him up on the offer he made then of a walking tour of New York City. We really beat feet! We started at The Highline in Chelsea, and leisurely walked from end to end. This had been a “must” on my list. (Seattle, take note of the Highline as the Viaduct comes down.) We also touched the West Village, the Abbottega Ristorante, Greenwich Village, SoHo, Little Italy, the Caffè Roma for Gelato, Chinatown, the Lower East Side, Katz’s Deli, the Financial District, the Municipal Building and City Hall. Richard and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge as the afternoon waned, with plenty of time for photos, and ended in Carroll Gardens for a farewell dinner with Alta and Jonah.
Whirlwind Tour Guide, Richard.
My NYC Whirlwind Tour Guide, Richard, as we strolled the length of the Highline.
Highline New Construction
The Chelsea Highline has attracted new construction, refurbishing of old construction and a revitalized buzz in and about the area.
Highline Transition
This is an elegant transition between paved walkways and planting areas up on The Highline. Where can I apply this concept?
Street graphics
Repetition of one poster creates strong pattern and is very eye-catching. I see this in Milan, too.
Sam’s Knitwear
In 1948, Sam arrived in New York from Europe. After years of working odd jobs, he opened up Sam’s Knitwear on Orchard Street on the Lower East Side.
Vintage Pepsi-Cola
The vintage Pepsi-Cola sign at the Gantry Plaza State Park in Long Island City, Queens.
Great Blog as usual. I grew up in NJ, and went to the city many times as a kid with my folks and as a teenager with my friends. So I sorta took it for granted. But taking Joan there as a tourist on two very short trips made me realize how much more there is to see and do. Thanks for the fresh view.
It’s always a challenge to see something with fresh eyes, as if it were entirely new to us.
I absolutely love your blog! I’ve been sitting here for over an hour just reading and looking at all your great pictures as well. I think it’s great that you actually got to experience New York I can’t believe you haven’t gone before and you’re such a world traveler! There is so very much to see and do and just really experience in New York City. You could go several times and see something unique and different every moment that you’re there. I imagine that would be quite the same while in different areas of Italy. I’ve only ever been to England starting out in London and then driving the entire countryside, for about 3 weeks, finally ending back in London again before flying back to the States. I loved it so much I really wanted to just stay! There Is just something about being in a different country, even though it was our native tongue, that makes it so different. It’s really so much about the feeling, indescribable, but exceptionally exciting and also comforting somehow. I remember not wanting the day and nights to end. I never wanted to sleep, I felt as though I might miss something.
I’m going to go back and read more of your blog and I thank you so much for sharing it.