Business Development through Design™To inform. To promote. Perhaps to inspire.™
Silence & Solitude
9 Agosto - Journal Entry Sunday night. Back home in Milano. Silence & solitude. Ready to be here and it feels like it's been ages! I guess that's the sign of a good vacation. But I tired of the...
L’Isola d’Ischia
The island of Ischia (“EES-kee-uh”) is a 45-minute boat ride off the coast from Napoli. A couple hundred passengers were seated auditorium-style in the boat as it bounced across the water westward....
4 Agosto 2009 L'Isola d’Ischia, Italia Today:Milano-Napoli-Ischia, (with stops in Bologna, Firenze and Roma.) We arrived in Napoli by train from Milano at 2:05. We quickly got out of the crowded...