Business Development through Design™To inform. To promote. Perhaps to inspire.™
What did I pack?
You've all heard "Pack light! Pack light!" I agree, absolutely. And I think about EVERY single thing that goes into one suitcase or another. I think about its weight, its volume, its versatility,...
Home Again
Home again. It amuses and pleases me that returning to Milano, Italia, is so known and so comfortable. This is my twelfth "dodecesimo", yearly sojourn. (Included in those years is a period, early...
At Home Along Milan’s Grand Canal
Journal Entry: Wednesday, 12 September 2018 - Milan Did I really just arrive in my home-away-from-home, Milan, this morning?! Here I am again. And it all feels so easy and familiar. Not that there...
Machine Guns and Fireworks
Journal Entry. 1 Gennaio 2017 (January 1, 2017) - Milano Day 3 of a cold that has kept me layin' low. Enforced rest. Certainly no kicking-up-my-heels last night. By 8:30 p.m. I was yearning for...
Liberty in Milan
How many times has someone said to me with a sneer, "Oh… Milan. It's so gray and industrial." They turn up their noses and dismiss it as merely a place to fly into as they transfer to their "real"...
St. Francis Would Rail at the Assisi of Today
High on a hill is the town of Assisi, home of Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, born in 1181, later known as Saint Francis, "San Francesco d'Assisi". But Francesco, one who relinquished all his...