Business Development through Design™To inform. To promote. Perhaps to inspire.™
Città di Castello
Our first stop on our road trip through Umbria, the region landlocked in the middle of Italy: Città di Castello - City of the Castle. Which "castle" they're referring to, I'm not quite sure,...
Under the Umbrian Sun
When friends start planning their trips to Italy, they immediately think of going to Tuscany - Toscana. And when they ask me about my time in Italy, they often say, "Oh! Like Under the Tuscan Sun!...
Home Away from Home in Milano
Stormy, wild wind and rain last night here in Milano. End of summer, early fall. But I arrived four days ago to a day that was fresh and bright and comfortable. The kind of day that makes one relax...
Hungry? Eat this!
For the record, "Italian Food" is SO much more than pizza, spaghetti, ravioli and fettucine alfredo. In fact, "fettucine alfredo" doesn't exist except in the restaurants catering to tourists away...
So hot I’m sweating in the middle of the night
Hand-sewn, vintage linen is not enough to help stay cool close to midnight on what was a 95-degree day with high humidity, now the windows closed up tight to keep the mosquitoes out, and a pair of...
Charming Treviso
If you're heading toward Venice (Venezia), veer a little north to the charming town of Treviso (Tray-vee-zo). A canal-town much like Venice, inland and smaller scale, Treviso is not overrun with...